The Influence of Achievement, Recognition, Leadership and Islamic Work Ethics Toward Job Satisfaction Among Lecturers in Ungku Omar Polytechnic


  • Hazeline Nor Naurah Mat Salleh Diploma in Islamic Banking & Finance Ungku Omar Premier Polytechnic
  • Siti Hajar Salwa Ahmad Musadik School of Islamic Business Studies University Utara Malaysia
  • Md Nazri Md Nor Diploma in Banking & Finance Ungku Omar Premier Polytechnic



Job satisfaction, Achievement, Recognition, Leadership, Islamic work ethics


The study of this research is aimed to analyze the influence of achievement, recognition, leadership and Islamic work ethics towards job satisfaction among lecturers in Ungku Omar Polytechnic. This research is conducted by using a quantitative approach. The total sample is 202 which represents 8 academic departments in Ungku Omar Polytechnic. The data of this study was analyzed using statistical tools analysis namely Statistical Package for the Social Science 27 (SPSS 27) by examining respondent profiles, correlation, and regression analysis. The result of this study indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between achievement, recognition, leadership and Islamic work ethics with job satisfaction among lecturer in Ungku Omar Polytechnic. Based on the findings, it also shows that recognition is the highest influence on job satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Mat Salleh, H. N. N. ., Ahmad Musadik, S. H. S. ., & Md Nor, M. N. (2023). The Influence of Achievement, Recognition, Leadership and Islamic Work Ethics Toward Job Satisfaction Among Lecturers in Ungku Omar Polytechnic. AZKA International Journal of Zakat & Social Finance, 4(3), 67-86.



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